Salve Jorge Bar: The Offline Glass

This is a wicked idea. Who ever said social media is social???? Step away from the phone please sir…

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This is a problem that happens a lot in my life when going out with friends, there’s always that one person who can’t leave their phone alone, and rather than being 100% there with you, talking and enjoying being out, they might as well be with the person on the other end of their texts! To me it makes it feel like they don’t want to be there, and Salve Jorge Bar in Brazil decided they needed to solve this problem and bring people back to the real world so they created The Offline Glass. I saw images of this before, and I thought it was going to be something high tech that blocked out reception – I swear I saw that somewhere! But this is more low-key and to be honest more clever; a glass that won’t stand up unless it’s sat on top of a smart phone –…

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